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Cuz When I Piss It Sound Like I'm Frying Chicken

Now she has to let it trickle down lightly

r/BlackPeopleTwitter - Now she has to let it trickle down lightly

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level 2

I didn't like upvoting this

level 2

An inch of what? What the good fuck

level 2

That's the kind of power move that's gets you promoted to General.

level 2

You should T pose at the same time to make sure no one tries to take the urinal to either side.

level 2

personally i like to slow down my flow rate to the breakpoint where it doesn't drain the bank but still gives the illusion of being audibly voluminous

can do the ol "was pissing before you started, still going after you zipped up" power play. imho it's a bigger flex

level 2

If you're laying down an inch of foam when peeing you may be diabetic or have failing kidneys. See a doctor.

level 2

Don't forget chewing gum. Head cow is always grazing.

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Lmk when you run for president

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You are either the greatest troll or the most shameless weirdo there is. Either way I enjoy it

level 2

That's fucking disgusting, I'm gonna puke, foam? Fucken ew

level 2

You know, the head cow is always grazing.

level 2

We havent played battleshits in ages!

level 2

gotta go big or go home, scream like tom cruise asking for sake

level 2

Put down some tp on the ground around your toilet, then piss straight into the water. Watch how much splashes onto your floor and god forbid, your toilet mat.

level 1

My gf gets no peace in the bathroom now. Everytime I hear her peeing I yell "are you frying chicken in there sweetheart wtf?" Honestly cant tell who finds it more amusing.

level 2

She should let out the loudest toilet poot next time you ask. Assert her dominance

level 1

We went camping. In the middle of the night this girl went outside to pee and you can hear the trickle sound sizzling. Then all a sudden we hear a wolf howl in the distance, and her stream just suddenly stopped. Then after what seemed like the longest time you hear her tinkle again.

level 2

a modern take on the story of Red Riding Hood

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Reminds me of Austen power's peeing after being unfrozen.

level 2

I'd like to buy the movie rights to this story

level 2

This story was so vivid my soul transported through time and space to become spiritually entangled with all living things involved. Hilarious.

level 1

Fried chicken might be a problem now.

Edit: Nah, of course it won't; it's fried chicken.

level 1

Op · 3 yr. ago · edited 3 yr. ago Mod

She sits on the toilets and pisses like drip-coffee now 😭😭😭

level 2

Comment removed by moderator · 3 yr. ago

level 1

On a full bladder it can take me 30 secs to pee it all out. For my wife it takes 10 seconds max and it sounds like a shower or sink faucet on blast. I get worried her urethra is gonna rupture

level 2

Is that the place where babies come from?

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My record is about 80 seconds, seriously fuller than full

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I think guys will find any reason to call you out as you are completing your bathroom necessities lol. You should just assert dominance and be as loud and obnoxious as possible

level 2

Idk about yall but my probably future ex wife shits with the door open. Doesn't bother me.

level 1

Every time. I'm glad I'm not the only one that got to.

Cuz When I Piss It Sound Like I'm Frying Chicken


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